Hello Everyone,It's KP Tutorials for WORLD WIDE CRICKET STUDIO.
You all must have heard about Boundary Music Patch for EA SPORTS CRICKET 07.
They have put in lots of efforts and have released. This Tutorial that describes you how to make sound for EA SPORTS CRICKET 07, or probably making sound in EA SPORTS CRICKET 07 for beginners only. For professionals, you already know this and rather do scratch making! You may also create your very own custom sound also.
Editing Crowd sounds is slightly more difficult than editing the music, as you have to jump through more hoops. It is also limited by a lack of knowledge, I haven’t been able to figure all of it out yet, but I’m doing this document now so that people can do what I’ve been able to do so far for themselves.
You all must have heard about Boundary Music Patch for EA SPORTS CRICKET 07.
They have put in lots of efforts and have released. This Tutorial that describes you how to make sound for EA SPORTS CRICKET 07, or probably making sound in EA SPORTS CRICKET 07 for beginners only. For professionals, you already know this and rather do scratch making! You may also create your very own custom sound also.
The Basics
To edit sound,
you have to know what files you are editing in the first place. Cricket 07’s
sound files are contained in the Audio folder in your Cricket 07 directory in
several .big files:
Aems.big –
Contains sound effects that are used in Cricket 07
Ambient.big –
Contains sound effects used as ambient sounds, such as trains passing the
Music.big –
Contains the music or ‘EA Trax’ that are used in the game.
Pbp.big –
Contains commentary.
These are dealt
with using bigGUI.
Inside these
files are many file types, the most common of which is ASF. These ASF files are
proprietary in nature and have to be made using a custom editor, more on that
and the process to create ASF files for use in Cricket 07 later.
As well as ASF
files there are AST and ABK files, which act as an archive of ASF files and a
descriptor of AST files respectively. Some ABK files seem to include AST files
inside them; I am currently unable to edit these.
There are also
some other minor files, such as CSI files, but they seem to be of little or no
importance to the aim of editing sound.
The Programs
There is an
accompanying archive containing many important programs to edit sound in
Cricket 07, these are:
Extract Music.bat
This batch file
is a convenient way of converting ASF files to WAV format, this is useful if
you want to edit an existing file rather than replace it with a new one,
depends on SX.exe.
ASFMultiCopier (originally for NHL07)
program that allows easy transfer of ASF files to a different file name and
previewing of ASF files.
AstPack (originally for NHL07)
Program for
dealing with AST and ABK files, allows import and export of the ASF files
contained within.
EA made program
for converting WAV or MP3 files to the Cricket 07 compatible ASF format.
Program for
dealing with BIG files
I also recommend, but don’t include:
Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/)
GPL Licensed
Audio Editor, I’ll use it in examples, but you are welcome to use something
Programmer’s Notepad (http://www.pnotepad.org/)
My preferred text
editor, notepad is sufficient, but I’ll use it in examples.
Opening Data.gob and basic BigGUI usage
Some editing
requires finding certain files that are contained in data.gob. Getting these
files is done as follows:
Open BigGUI.

Click File -> Open.
Navigate to the Cricket 07 Data folder.

Select all files from the
drop down box as shown. Navigate to the now visible data.gob and double click
Select the file you want,
click Edit -> Export, Navigate to the place you want to export the file to
and click OK.
Music Replacement :
Programs used:
Files edited:
Replacing the music in
Cricket 07 is fairly easy and thus is a good place to start.
Get an MP3 file of a track
you want to import into the game, for the purposes of this I chose Kasabian’s
Open DittyImporter.exe.

Click browse next to convert
file and navigate to the song you want to add, then click OK, then click browse
next to output folder and select an easily accessible place. Then click import,
leaving Reverb alone. This will now process for a while and then you will get an
ASF file in the folder you gave it.
the file to something small and one worded, I’ve called it empire.asf. Now open
BigGUI and use it to open music.big.
Back up your Music.big before proceeding.
Click Edit -> Import, navigate to the ASF file you made
and double click it. A line should
appear in the status part of the BigGUI window similar to:
C:\Documents and Settings\Matt\Desktop\empire.asf to empire.asf
- successfully imported 1 of 1 files
Now you can close BigGUI (actually you have to or
otherwise Cricket 07 won’t start)
Open a31ccba307ab5bb8c53e91ebeba0bb90.xml in a text
editor. Add this line as a new line above the </traxx>.
filename=" " artist=" " title=" "
album="" country="" countryID="1"
Change the <traxx
count="11"> line at the top to <traxx count="12">,
to allow for this extra song.
Now insert the appropriate text into the gaps, next to
filename write the name of the file you inserted into the BIG, without the
extention. The next 4 are self explanatory, and leave the other two alone.
For the song I added, the line was:
<trak filename="empire"
artist="Kasabian" title="Empire" album="Empire"
country="UK" countryID="1"
Save the file and copy it
to the root directory as you would any other patch. Run Cricket 07, go to the
jukebox settings and enable the song by pressing the button you usually use to
select things, and then save your profile.

Crowd Sound
Editing :
Programs used:
§ DittyImporter
§ BigGUI
§ AstPack
§ ASFMultiCopier
Files edited:
§ Audio/aems.big
Editing Crowd sounds is slightly more difficult than editing the music, as you have to jump through more hoops. It is also limited by a lack of knowledge, I haven’t been able to figure all of it out yet, but I’m doing this document now so that people can do what I’ve been able to do so far for themselves.
Only two parts can be successfully edited, crowd_sfx
and crowd_sfx_freq. They contain respectively crowd sound effects and
frequently used crowd sound effects. I’d suggest starting with crowd_sfx_freq
to get the hang of things, this tutorial will do just that.
Use BigGUI to open aems.big, once opened export crowd_sfx_freq.ast
and crowd_sfx_freq.abk. It is extremely important to have both of these files,
as one cannot be opened without the other.
Use BigGUI to open aems.big, once opened export crowd_sfx_freq.ast
and crowd_sfx_freq.abk. It is extremely important to have both of these files,
as one cannot be opened without the other.

Use BigGUI to open aems.big, once opened export crowd_sfx_freq.ast
and crowd_sfx_freq.abk. It is extremely important to have both of these files,
as one cannot be opened without the other.
Like the Hint says, double clicking on files will play
them, this can give you a good idea of what file is what sound.
Once you have an idea of what you want to change, move
on to Step Three.
The next step is making the replacement files, I’m
going to assume that you have already got sounds that you want to put in. These
sounds should be roughly the same length as the ones you are going to replace
them with, but it isn’t a necessity. Follow Step Two of the music replacement
guide to convert the sounds into ASF format, filename isn’t important at this
stage, just have them all in the same folder (though it has to be a different
folder to the crowd_sfx_freq_ one).
Some people wanted to add music on boundaries, the way
of doing this follows, skip this if you are not wanting to add music.
Copy the ASF file of the crowd cheers that sound most
like a big thing has happened, this may be hit and miss, I didn’t bother
finding out which files are the ones you want. To avoid multiple songs from being
played at the same time, I’d suggest only adding the one song into the
crowd_sfx_freq file and leave others to the main crowd_sfx file (as there is
less chance of those ones being played frequently).
Paste these files into the place where you have Extract
Music.bat (and sx.exe) and then double click on Extract Music.bat. A few
seconds later you will have WAV versions of the ASF files. Open these using a
sound editor.
There is a slight problem that comes up at this point,
the ASF files use a sample rate of 22050Hz, most music will use double that. So
first of all you have to open up the music separately and change its sample
format to 22050Hz.
To do this
in Audacity, cut the file down to the length of the file you are editing (the
original crowd sounds) and then select all of it. And click on the arrow that
is just near the song title on the left hand side of the waveform area, then in
the menu that results, go down to Set Rate and pick 22050Hz from the pop-out
list. This will double the length of the audio file and make it slow, fix this
by selecting it all and going to Effect -> Change Speed and then typing 100
into the box (which makes it twice as fast, thus returning it to normal).
Select it again and go to Edit -> Copy and then open the other file, make
sure the track is not selected and paste. Ideally it should look something like
this. Play the file to make sure it sounds like a crowd with music in the
background and then export it to WAV or MP3 (it doesn’t really matter so long
as the ditty importer can open it). Follow Step Two of the music replacement
guide to convert the sounds into ASF format .

The next step is importing the file you have just
made/got into the AST file. This is done in two parts.
Go back to the ASFMultiCopier and use the right
hand ‘open folder’ button to open the folder containing the replacement files.

The next step is importing the file you have just
made/got into the AST file. This is done in two parts.
Go back to the ASFMultiCopier and use the right
hand ‘open folder’ button to open the folder containing the replacement files.

The next step is importing the file you have just
made/got into the AST file. This is done in two parts.
Go back to the ASFMultiCopier and use the right
hand ‘open folder’ button to open the folder containing the replacement files.
Thanks for Reading my Forum. Hope u would liked it. Have any Problem, feel Free to post it here.